Title: 블랙독 / Black Dog Genre: School Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: tvN Broadcast period: 2019-Dec-16 to 2020-Feb-04 Air time: Monday & Tuesda…
Title: 예쁜남자 / Bel Ami Also Known as: Pretty Man / Beautiful Man Genre: Romance, Comedy, Family Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: KBS2 Broadcast perio…
Title: 편의점 샛별이 / Backstreet Rookie Also known as: Convenience Store Saet Byul / Convenience Store Morning Star / Convenience Store Venus Genre: Roman…
Title: 앵그리맘 / Angry Mom Genre: Family, School Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: MBC Broadcast period: 2015-March-18 to 2015-May-07 Air time: Wednesda…
Title: 앨리스 / Alice Genre: Fantasy, Science fiction, Time-travel, Romance Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2020-Aug-28 to 2020-…
Title: 신과의 약속 / A Pledge to God also known as: A Promise with the Gods Genre: Melodrama, Family Episodes: 48 Broadcast network: MBC Broadcast perio…
Title: 시를 잊은 그대에게 / A Poem a Day Also known as: You Who Forgot Poetry Genre: Medical, Romance, Comedy Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: tvN Broadcast…
Title: 백일의 낭군님 / 100 Days My Prince Also known as: Hundred Days’ Husband / Dear Husband of 100 Days Genre: Historical, Romance, Comedy Episodes: 16…
The bullied "three no girls" and the cynical second-generation school bully live in two very different families. A soul exchange made the…
Xu Jie was recruited to Mingtang Law Firm to take on the bribery case involving Chen Wen Guang. Chen's daughter Chen Ran has also been secretly…
High school student Yoon Ah Yi finances herself and her younger sister by working part-time jobs. She doesn't know where her parents are. Debt …
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